The Company

XTRA ADVANCE is a diversified minerals mining company. Our expansive network across the globe enables us to sustainably and responsibly source minerals to meet the demand of the industry and the modern economy.

Powering the future of the global economy with essential minerals.

We focus on delivering superior returns to our shareholders throughout the value chain driven by mindful allocation of capital in lucrative projects and industries.
We keep our values at the core of our business strategy and maximize value creation to achieve excellence at every stage of our compliant and responsible mineral supply chain.
We never seize to prioritize the health and safety standards and invest in the advanced technologies that contribute towards sustainability and minimize the impact on the environment where we set up our mines.

Our Vision

To become the leaders in mineral value chain management in the Middle East and in time; across the globe while driving profitable growth and implementing innovative solutions to cater to the future environmental crisis.

Our Mission

Shape the future of minerals mining and sourcing with the incorporation of sophisticated technology, create value, and serve the industry with quality products while keeping sustainable and responsible mining at the center of our operations.

Our Values



Mining responsibly and supporting communities


Operating ethically, doing what is right with confidence


Stretching our capabilities together, bringing our vision to life


Demonstrating excellence, achieving superior results


Creating value, focusing resources mindfully


Maintaining the highest standards of transparency

Our Ideology

XTRA ADVANCE’s operational framework is built on the foundations of sustainability and strict adherence to compliance. Our business strategy and approach focus on clearly defining the objectives, priorities, opportunities, and risks.
Together, we identify and evaluate the opportunities for progress that align us with our vision and business objectives. Furthermore, we incorporate advanced technology in our upstream processes, combined with our sustainable practices to fully explore the potential sources of minerals and metals that meet the industry demands and the end consumers.
Not only are we mindful about the environmental impact when it comes to mining, but also about the diversity and balance in our portfolio.

Chairman’s Message

At XTRA ADVANCE we take pride in making a positive difference every day. Our talented people strive to consistently achieve excellence and bring about a change in the way minerals are mined and sourced, marketed, and distributed across the value chain.

We continue to innovate our processes and work towards bringing our vision to life while ensuring we achieve the highest standards across our business and sustainably create value. Our optimized and streamlined operations, profitable value chains, and strong portfolio of minerals enable us to generate superior returns for shareholders and investing in contributing towards the welfare of society. 

We value our trusted and long-term partnerships; moreover, in unison;  we, continue to improve our resilience and our ability to adapt quickly to a changing world, and embrace and strengthen new ties with current and future partners, which is the key to our unwavering success.

Yukitsumu Tomita
